FF #4 is currently free to read on Marvel Digital. Features the Council of Doom meeting at the Baxter Building, plus Barry Kitson's rather magnificent rendering of a sulky Doom face.
Marvel.com has FF #2: Doom Nation available free to read online. It's a very Doom heavy issue and one of my absolute favourites, and pretty much sets up the status quo for Doom's current relationships with the Future Foundation and his son Kristoff.
Another free digital comic up at Marvel.com: Fantastic Four #583, which is the one where Valeria Richards makes a deal with Doctor Doom. One of my favourite scenes from Hickman's F4 run.
Marvel.com has just added Avengers: Children's Crusade #2 to their collection of free-to-read digital comics. (Just click the "Read it Online" button - you need to have Flash player installed.) They have issue #1 up as well, but you need a paid subscription to read more than the first five pages
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